Stormwater Management


Growing stormwater regulations and increased urbanization means that it is more important than ever to utilize the best in stormwater management.

Whether you are a developer or municipality with stormwater design needs, or a home owner with nuisance stormwater issues, Gremmer is knowledgeable on the multiple levels of stormwater ordinance requirements for the entire range of stormwater projects.

Gremmer is able to propose innovative solutions for stormwater issues dealing with water quality and water quantity. We utilize stormwater packages such as SWMM, HEC-HMS, and HEC-RAS. In combination with our on-site presence, we offer innovative solutions to all of your stormwater management needs.


Stormwater Management Services

– Stormwater Management Planning
– Detention & Retention Pond Design
– DNR and Army Corps of Engineers Permitting
– Bioretention Swales and Rain Gardens
– Floodplain Studies
– Stormwater Utilities
– Erosion Control Design
– NR 216 Compliance
– Agency Coordination – local, state, and federal