Contact Us

Thank you for your interest in Gremmer & Associates.  Contact us by phone or email, or find an office location near you.

Office Locations

Gremmer & Associates has offices in Fond du Lac and Stevens Point, Wisconsin that are structured to provide a full range of project delivery services statewide. With projects that span across all five WisDOT regions, our locations are structured to allow us to support our clients with local knowledge, to meet fast-track schedules, and to handle heavy workloads.

Fond du Lac Office

Stevens Point Office

93 South Pioneer Rd, Suite 300
Fond du Lac, WI 54935
(920) 924-5720 phone
(920) 924-5725 fax

120 Wilshire Boulevard North
Stevens Point, WI 54481
(715) 341-4363 phone
(715) 341-1856 fax